Vault-Tec Labs

SAVE.DAT files are archived data files that contain data for savegames. Everything about the player, party members, global variables, and state of the world map is stored here. The only thing not included is information about each town, which is stored in individual .SAV files. While they have the .DAT extension, they do not have the same format as other .DAT files. These files are found in \data\SAVEGAME\SlotXX, XX representing the number of the save game.

As with various other Fallout data files, if you're viewing this in a Hex editor, make sure it's in "Big Endian" (non-PC) display format.


Almost everything has been verified for the Mac version of Fallout 2; there may be some differences between this and the Windows version.

A little explanation of the data types:

  • ASCII (C-style) strings end with a 0 byte - the hex value 0x0, not the character '0'. So, if the length of an ASCII string is 32, it can contain 31 characters with 0x0 at the end.
  • Most numbers are written as four byte integers, in big-endian (most significant byte first) format. Negative numbers are stored in two's complement format (e.g. -1 is 0xFFFFFFFF).
  • The data in a save.dat file is not written all at once, but in a series of separate functions. This can be seen when examining debug files (debug.log). When saving it has the following entries:
LOADSAVE: Save file header size written: XXXX bytes.

LOADSAVE: Save function #X data size written: XXXX bytes.

where X is some number

This is done because different functions save different types of data (about quests, items, etc.). All the data is recorded sequentially. Therefore, to describe the file we divide the data into separate functions. There are 27 functions (not including the header). The numbering starts with zero.

Because parts of the data have variable sizes, it can be fairly difficult to find a particular part of the data. It is considerably easier with the help of the file description and looking in debug.log for the size of the right function.

Note: offsets for each function (beginning with the fourth) are shown relative to the end of the previous one.



Size: 0x7563 (decimal 30051) bytes.

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x00 0x18 Value: 'FALLOUT SAVE FILE '

Description: SAVE.DAT file signature

0x18 0x04 Version of the game which made the save file. For example, for version 1.02 it is 00 01 00 02.
0x1C 0x01 The letter 'R'. Ask the developers why. Could be 'R' for Release?
0x1D 0x20 Player name. ASCII string, so the longest possible name is 31 characters.
0x3D 0x1E Savegame name. ASCII string.
0x5B 0x02 The day the game was saved. Realtime, not gametime.
0x5D 0x02 The month.
0x5F 0x02 The year.
0x61 0x04 Minutes + hours (24-hour format), realtime. E.g. if the time is 16:45, then it is 0x0000003D. (This is a bit odd, as 17:44 also gives 0x3D . Perhaps it was supposed to be two 2-byte numbers (0x0010, 0x002D for 16:45). It doesn't seem to be used in the game in any case.)
0x65 0x02 The in-game month; for example, June is 0x0006 . Used only for displaying on the load/save screen.
0x67 0x02 The in-game day, also used only for the load/save screen.
0x69 0x02 The in-game year, also used only for the load/save screen.
0x6B 0x04 The in-game date. This field stores the time – the number of seconds since December 5th 2161 00:00:00 multiplied by 10 (the number of 'ticks'). [Fallout 1 starts at December 5th 2161]
0x6F 0x04 Number of the map you are currently on (from maps.txt). First two bytes are map level, last two are map number.
0x73 0x10 Filename of the map you are currently on. I.e. if you are in the Arroyo temple, it is ARTEMPLE.sav. An ASCII string.
0x83 0x7460 This is a bitmap (bmp) image, with no header or palette. The palette is taken from master.dat or patch000.dat. Image size is 224x133.
0x74E3 0x80 This section is always filled with zeroes.

Function 0 - Unused[]

Size: 0x00 (decimal 0) bytes. This function never writes anything.

Function 1 - Unknown[]

Size: 0x04 (decimal 4) bytes.

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x7563 0x04 Unknown

Function 2 - GVARS[]

Size: variable. In Fallout 2 v1.02d it is 0x0AE0 (decimal 2784) bytes.

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x7567 0x04 * NG An array of global variables (GVAR). NG is the number of GVARs in vault13.gam .

Function 3 - Maps[]

Size: variable.

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x8047 0x04 The number of open maps. Also the number of *.sav files in the save folder.
0x804B variable The size of the next field varies depending on the number of opened maps. It is a list of file names of maps which have already been visited when the game is saved. These are ASCII strings, each ending with a 0x00 byte.
after map list 0x04 The size of AUTOMAP.DB - the temporary file game creates while playing in the data\maps and removes after.

Function 4 - GVARS[]

Size: variable. In Fallout 2 v1.02d it is 0x0AE0 (decimal 2784) bytes.

This is an exact duplicate of Function #2. It's not known why this was done.

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x00 0x04 * NG An array of global variables (GVAR). NG is the number of GVARs in vault13.gam .

Function 5 - Player and inventory[]

Size: variable. This appears to be in the same format used for objects on maps.

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x00 0x04 0x0,0x0,'FP' [0x00004650] - these characters are always here. Also, they appear only once in the file. They're followed by a list of the player's characteristics.
0x04 0x04 Player's coordinates on the map.
0x08 0x04 Unknown
0x0C 0x04 Unknown
0x10 0x04 Unknown
0x14 0x04 Unknown
0x18 0x04 Unknown
0x1C 0x04 Player's facing: 0 - northeast 1 - east 2 - southeast 3 - southwest 4 - west 5 - northwest
0x20 0x04 Player FID number (appearance). Changes depending on what armor is worn. [0100000B] is the jumpsuit. Note that the engine will always change this value back to what you are wearing, so it's pointless to edit it here.
0x24 0x04 Unknown, usually 0x60002420. The last byte has some interesting properties. Setting the 0x10 bit puts the player in a permanent, always-successful sneak mode. Setting the 0x08 bit will draw the player under other critters and scenery. Setting the last byte to 00 will turn off the player light source.
0x28 0x04 Which level of the map the player is on.
0x2C 0x04 Unknown
0x30 0x18 Unknown - Light distance and intensity? Some of it have to to with lighting up the player.
0x48 0x04 Number of items in inventory.
0x4C 0x18 Unknown.
0x64 0x04 Bit field. Each bit indicates a crippled body part: 0x0001 - eyes 0x0002 - right arm 0x0004 - left arm 0x0008 - right leg 0x0010 - left leg 0x0080 - dead
0x68 0xC Unknown
0x74 0x04 Current hitpoints.
0x78 0x04 Radiation level.
0x7C 0x04 Poison level.
0x80 variable A list of items in inventory.

Function 6 - Player stats[]

Size: 0x0178 (decimal 376) bytes.

This section has the same format as PRO files for critters, starting at offset 0x30 in the PRO file.

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x00 0x04 Unknown
0x04 0x04 0x07 = Tabs flags. Bitmask: 0x01 - Sneak, 0x02 - Radiated, 0x08 - Level, 0x10 - Addict.
0x08 0x04 Base strength.
0x0C 0x04 Base perception.
0x10 0x04 Base endurance.
0x14 0x04 Base charisma.
0x18 0x04 Base intelligence.
0x1C 0x04 Base agility.
0x20 0x04 Base luck.
0x24 0x04 Base hitpoints.
0x28 0x04 Base action points.
0x2C 0x04 Base armor class.
0x30 0x04 Unused. In define.h, it was unarmed damage, but that is commented out.
0x34 0x04 Base melee damage.
0x200 0x04 Base carry weight.
0x3C 0x04 Base sequence.
0x40 0x04 Base healing rate.
0x44 0x04 Base critical chance.
0x48 0x04 Base critical hit table roll modifier.
0x4C 0x04 Base damage threshold (normal)
0x50 0x04 Base damage threshold (laser)
0x54 0x04 Base damage threshold (fire)
0x58 0x04 Base damage threshold (plasma)
0x5C 0x04 Base damage threshold (electrical)
0x60 0x04 Base damage threshold (EMP)
0x64 0x04 Base damage threshold (explosive)
0x68 0x04 Base damage resistance (normal)
0x6C 0x04 Base damage resistance (laser)
0x70 0x04 Base damage resistance (fire)
0x74 0x04 Base damage resistance (plasma)
0x78 0x04 Base damage resistance (electrical)
0x7C 0x04 Base damage resistance (EMP)
0x80 0x04 Base damage resistance (explosive)
0x84 0x04 Base radiation resistance
0x88 0x04 Base poison resistance
0x8C 0x04 Player's starting age (i.e. at the beginning of the game).
0x90 0x04 Player's gender. 0 is male, 1 (or non-zero) is female
Attention: Here are bonuses to basic statistics, starting with strength. For example, if you have strength 6 and are wearing Advanced Power Armor, 4 is recorded here, and 6 in base strength. Penalties can be given with negative numbers.
0x94 0x04 Bonus to strength
0x98 0x04 Bonus to perception.
0x9C 0x04 Bonus to endurance.
0xA0 0x04 Bonus to charisma.
0xA4 0x04 Bonus to intelligence.
0xA8 0x04 Bonus to agility.
0xAC 0x04 Bonus to luck.
0xB0 0x04 Bonus to maximum hit points.
0xB4 0x04 Bonus action points.
0xB8 0x04 Bonus AC.
0xBC 0x04 Unused. In define.h, it was unarmed damage, but that is commented out.
0xC0 0x04 Bonus melee damage.
0xC4 0x04 Bonus carry weight.
0xC8 0x04 Bonus sequence.
0xCC 0x04 Bonus healing rate.
0xD0 0x04 Bonus critical chance.
0xD4 0x04 Bonus to critical hit table rolls.
0xD8 0x04 Bonus to damage threshold (normal).
0xDC 0x04 Bonus to damage threshold (laser).
0xE0 0x04 Bonus to damage threshold (fire).
0xE4 0x04 Bonus to damage threshold (plasma).
0xE8 0x04 Bonus to damage threshold (electrical)
0xEC 0x04 Bonus to damage threshold (EMP)
0xF0 0x04 Bonus to damage threshold (explosive).
0xF4 0x04 Bonus to damage resistance (normal).
0xF8 0x04 Bonus to damage resistance (laser).
0xFC 0x04 Bonus to damage resistance (fire).
0x0100 0x04 Bonus to damage resistance (plasma).
0x0104 0x04 Bonus to damage resistance (electrical).
0x0108 0x04 Bonus to damage resistance (EMP).
0x010C 0x04 Bonus to damage resistance (explosive).
0x0110 0x04 Bonus to radiation resistance.
0x0114 0x04 Bonus to poison resistance.
0x0118 0x04 Bonus to age.
0x011C 0x04 Additional gender. Apparently sex-change operations are still available in the post-nuclear world.
0x0120 0x04 * 0x12 Skills; value is the number of points over the base (from primary stats, traits, and perks).
0x0168 0x04 Proto ID (-0x0400)
0x016C 0x08 Unknown
0x174 0x04 Value is X, where 0x1450+X is the the line describing that type of critter in Proto.msg .

Function 7 - Kill counts[]

Size: 0x4C (decimal 76) bytes.

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x00 0x04 * 0x13 Count of killed critters, same order as on the character sheet.

Function 8 - Tag skills[]

Size: 0x10 (decimal 16) bytes.

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x00 0x04 * 0x04 Tag skills; -1 if unused.

Function 9 - Perks[]

Size: 0x02C8 (decimal 712) bytes.

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x00 0x04 * 0xB2 Perks. Note that some have an effect only when they are taken, so changing values here may not do anything.

Function 10 - Party[]

Size: variable. In Fallout 2 v1.02d it is 0x3058 (decimal 12376) bytes.

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x00 0x04 * 0x77 * NP Where NP is the number of party members from party.txt . Contains 119 (0x77) values for each party member.

Function 11 - Combat[]

Size: 0x04 (decimal 4) when not in combat; variable when in combat.

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x00 0x04 Combat status. (02 - not in combat; 03 - in combat)
*0x04 0x10 Unknown.
*0x14 0x04 Unknown.
*0x18 0x04 Number of NPC at the current map level, including party members, plus a player at the beginning of the battle (or perhaps corpses are counted too).
*0x1С 0x04 Perhaps player's ID.
*0x20 0x04*NR NR from offset 0x18. Perhaps this array indicates the turn order of NPCs and player.
*0x20+0x4*NR 0x10*NR Unknown.

Data marked * only present when in combat.

Function 12 - Party AI[]

Size: variable.

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x00 variable Records about party members from "AI.TXT". The number of records varies. The organization of these records is unclear: they can be duplicated, or disappear in later savegames. A description of them is given below. Each record is 0xB4 bytes long, so the size is a multiple of that.

Function 13 - Experience and level[]

Size: 0x14 (decimal 20) bytes.

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x00 0x04 Number of skill points; should be less than 100.
0x04 0x04 Level.
0x08 0x04 Experience.
0x0C 0x08 Unknown.

Function 14 - Unused[]

Size: 0x00 (decimal 0) bytes. This function never writes anything.

Function 15 - Traits[]

Size: 0x08 (decimal 8) bytes.

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x00 0x04 * 0x02 Traits; -1 if unused.

Function 16 - Unknown[]

Size: 0x04 (decimal 4) bytes.

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x00 0x04 Unknown

Function 17 - Preferences[]

Size: 0x50 (decimal 80) bytes.

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x00 0x04

game_difficulty values: 0 (easy), 1 (normal), 2 (hard) default: 1

0x04 0x04

combat_difficulty values: 0 (wimpy), 1 (normal), 2 (rough) default: 1

0x08 0x04

violence_level values: 0 (none), 1 (minimal), 2 (normal), 3 (maximum blood) default: 3

0x0C 0x04

target_highlight values: 0 (off), 1 (on), 2 (targeting only) default: 2

0x10 0x04

combat_looks values: 0 (off), 1 (on) default: 0

0x14 0x04

combat_messages values: 0 (brief), 1 (verbose) default: 1

0x18 0x04

combat_taunts values: 0 (off), 1 (on) default: 1

0x1C 0x04

language_filter values: 0 (off), 1 (on) default: 0

0x20 0x04

running values: 0 (normal), 1 (always) default: 0

0x24 0x04

subtitles values: 0 (off), 1 (on) default: 0

0x28 0x04

item_highlight values: 0 (off), 1 (on) default: 1

0x2C 0x04

combat_speed values: 0 (normal) - 50 (fastest) default: 0

0x30 0x04

player_speedup (affect player speed) values: 0 (off), 1 (on) default: 0

0x34 0x04

text_base_delay values: 1.0 (fastest) - 6.0 (slowest) default: 3.5 (normal)

0x38 0x04

master_volume values: 0 (off) - 32767 (loudest) default: 22281

0x3C 0x04

music_volume values: 0 (off) - 32767 (loudest) default: 22281

0x40 0x04

sndfx_volume values: 0 (off) - 32767 (loudest) default: 22281

0x44 0x04

speech_volume values: 0 (off) - 32767 (loudest) default: 22281

0x48 0x04

brightness values: 1.0 (normal) - 1.18 (brightest) default: 1.0

0x4C 0x04

mouse_sensitivity values: 0.5 (normal) - 2.5 (fastest) default: 1.0

A 'text_line_delay' variable also exists, but doesn't seem to be stored here.

The Mac version has a "1" value between speech volume and brightness; its meaning is unknown.

Function 18 - Character window[]

Size: 0x05 (decimal 5) bytes.

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x00 0x04 Level. When you enter the character window, this level becomes equal to the level from Function 13, and you get skill points (LevelFromFunction13-LevelFromFunction18) * SpPerLevel.
0x04 0x01 Indicates if you have any outstanding perks you may have saved for later.

Function 19 - World map[]

Size: variable. In Fallout 2 v1.02d it is 0x0AE0 (decimal 2784) bytes.

The contents of this function are the same as worldmap.dat.

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x00 0x8 Unknown
0x08 0x04 Current position on world map (X coordinate)
0x0C 0x04 Current position on world map (Y coordinate)
0x10 0x14 Unknown
0x24 0x04 Number of the map the car is on.
0x28 0x04 Amount of fuel in the car (maximum is 80,000).
0x2C 0x04 The number of cities (from city.txt)
0x30 0x654 City information (from city.txt). The number of records matches the number of cities (49).
0x684 0x04 Number if tiles on the world map (from worldmap.txt)
0x688 0x04 Value of num_horizontal_tiles (from worldmap.txt)
0x68C 0xD20 Data for world map 'fog'. All 840 squares (each tile is 7x6 squares; there are 20 tiles) have corresponding 4-byte values: 0x00 - hidden, 0x01 - partly visible, 0x02 - visible.
0x13AC 0x04 The number of Special Encounters (373).
0x13B0 0x117C Records of Special encounters.

Function 20 - Unused[]

Size: 0x00 (decimal 0) bytes. This function never writes anything.

Function 21 - Video Archives[]

Size: 0x11 (decimal 17) bytes.

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x00 0x11

First two bytes are iplogo and intro, and the last is for credits. None of these show up in the Video Archives screen.

The rest each add a video entry to the Video Archives in the Pipboy. 00 is OFF and 01 is ON.

Function 22 - Skill use[]

Size: 0xD8 (decimal 216) bytes.

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x00 0x48 Unknown; there's space for all 18 skills, but only First Aid and Doctor matter
0x48 3 * 0x04 The times of the last three uses of the First Aid skill. Stored in 'ticks' since the start of the game.
0x54 3 * 0x04 The times of the last three uses of the Doctor skill.
0x60 0x78 Unknown

Function 23 - Party[]

Size: variable.

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x00 0x04 Number of NPCs in the party
0x04 0x04 * CP Where CP is the number of party members. Unknown
0x? 0x12 * (CP-1) Where CP is the number of party members - (CP-1) excludes the player (party member 0). Unknown

Function 24 - Event queue[]

Size: variable.

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x00 variable Unknown

Function 25 - Interface[]

Size: 0x10 (decimal 16) bytes.

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x00 0x04 Description: The state of the user interface. Similar to the functions (game_ui_disable | game_ui_enable), but unlike them it does not prevent loading and saving games.Values: 0x01 - enabled; 0x0 - disabled
0x04 0x04 Description:State of the player panel (with the weapon 'button', pip-boy, etc.)

Values: 0x01 - enabled; 0x0 - disabled

0x08 0x04 0x0B = Active hand slot, 00 for slot 1, 01 for slot 2. Rest unknown.
0x0C 0x04 State of the combat panel (open/closed).

Function 26 - Unused[]

Size: 0x00 (decimal 0) bytes. This function never writes anything.

Inventory item format[]

This appears to be the same format as items on maps. (This is correct for the Mac version of FO2; the PC version may be slightly different.)

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x00 0x04 The quantity of this item.
0x04 0x04 Always 0.
0x08 0x04 Location of item. Necessarily always -1 (in inventory)
0x0C 0x04 Always 0.
0x10 0x04 Always 0.
0x14 0x04 Unknown, 0 for most objects. Only non-zero for some items with special/quest uses. (E.g. poison tank, rubber boots, tool).
0x18 0x04 Unknown, like field 0x14, only nonzero for items with special uses.
0x1C 0x04 Unknown, always 0.
0x20 0x04 Unknown, usually 0. For plant spikes, this is 1, and for sharpened poles, 2.
0x24 0x04 Item's on-ground image.
0x28 0x04 A bitfield: 0x01000000 indicates the item is held in the right hand, 0x02000000 - in the left hand, and 0x04000000 - worn (as armor). Use of other bits is unknown.
0x2C 0x04 0, 1, or 2. Map level, which is irrelevant since it's in inventory.
0x30 0x04 Object ID.
0x34 0x04 Always -1.
0x38 0x04 For Roentgen Rum and Gamma Gulp Beer, this is 0x00000001, for all others 0.
0x3C 0x04 For Roentgen Rum and Gamma Gulp Beer, this is 0x00010000, for all others 0.
0x40 0x04 Always 0.
0x44 0x04 Script ID; -1 for none.
0x48 0x04 Always -1.
0x4C 0x04 Usually 0; for containers it is the number of items in the container. The enclosed items are the ones immediately following it.
0x50 0x04 Unknown. Non-zero only for containers.
0x54 0x04 Unknown. Non-zero only for containers.
0x58 0x04 Always 0.
0x5C 0x04 Many uses. For weapons, the number of loaded rounds. For ammunition, the number of rounds in the 'top' package (the one that is partly full). Number of charges for geiger counters/motion sensors. May be a script ID in some cases, like 0x44. For everything else, it is usually -1 or 0xCCCCCCCC. Not present for armor, containers, or drugs.
0x60 0x04 For weapons, the type of ammunition it uses; -1 if it needs no ammo. Only present for weapons.

City record format[]

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x00 0x04 City coordinate (X)
0x04 0x04 City coordinate (Y)
0x08 0x04 State of the city on the world map (accessible or not)
0x0C 0x04 City button on world map (accesssible or not)
0x10 0x04 Number of entrances
0x14 0x04 * number of entrances entrance_X=On/Off

Special encounter record format[]

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x00 0x04 Encounter Table number
0x04 0x04 enc_X (number in the Encounter Table)
0x08 0x04 Already encountered (or not)

Party member AI record format[]

Offset Size (bytes) Description
0x00 0x04 packet_num
0x04 0x04 max_dist
0x08 0x04 min_to_hit
0x0C 0x04 min_hp
0x10 0x04 aggression
0x14 0x04 hurt_too_much
0x18 0x04 secondary_freq
0x1C 0x04 called_freq
0x20 0x04 font
0x24 0x04 color
0x28 0x04 outline_color
0x2C 0x04 chance
0x30 0x04 run_start
0x34 0x04 run_end
0x38 0x04 move_start
0x3C 0x04 move_end
0x40 0x04 attack_start
0x44 0x04 attack_end
0x48 0x04 miss_start
0x4C 0x04 miss_end
0x50 0x04 hit_head_start
0x54 0x04 hit_head_end
0x58 0x04 hit_left_arm_start
0x5C 0x04 hit_left_arm_end
0x60 0x04 hit_right_arm_start
0x64 0x04 hit_right_arm_end
0x68 0x04 hit_torso_start
0x6C 0x04 hit_torso_end
0x70 0x04 hit_right_leg_start
0x74 0x04 hit_right_leg_end
0x78 0x04 hit_left_leg_start
0x7C 0x04 hit_left_leg_end
0x80 0x04 hit_eyes_start
0x84 0x04 hit_eyes_end
0x88 0x04 hit_groin_start
0x8C 0x04 hit_groin_end+1
0x90 0x04 area_attack_mode
0x94 0x04 best_weapon
0x98 0x04 distance
0x9C 0x04 attack_who
0xA0 0x04 chem_use
0xA4 0x04 run_away_mode
0xA8 0x04 Unknown
0xAC 0x04 Unknown
0xB0 0x04 Unknown

List of skills[]

0x00: Small Guns
0x01: Big Guns
0x02: Energy Weapons
0x03: Unarmed
0x04: Melee Weapons
0x05: Throwing
0x06: First Aid
0x07: Doctor
0x08: Sneak
0x09: Lockpick
0x0A: Steal
0x0B: Traps
0x0C: Science
0x0D: Repair
0x0E: Speech
0x0F: Barter
0x10: Gambling
0x11: Outdoorsman

List of critter types[]

0x00: Men
0x01: Women
0x02: Children
0x03: Super mutants
0x04: Ghouls
0x05: Brahmin
0x06: Radscorpions
0x07: Rats
0x08: Floaters
0x09: Centaurs
0x0a: Robots
0x0b: Dogs
0x0c: Manti
0x0d: Deathclaws
0x0e: Plants
0x0f: Geckos
0x10: Aliens
0x11: Giant ants
0x12: Big Bad Boss

List of perks[]

Note: Starred (*) perks change other stats when they are chosen in-game, and have no effect in and of themselves. Daggers (†) indicate special perks that are used by the engine and not normally seen on the character screen.

0x00: Awareness
0x01: Bonus HtH Attacks
0x02: Bonus HtH Damage*
0x03: Bonus Move
0x04: Bonus Ranged Damage
0x05: Bonus Rate of Fire
0x06: Earlier Sequence*
0x07: Faster Healing*
0x08: More Criticals*
0x09: Night Vision
0x0A: Presence
0x0B: Rad Resistance
0x0C: Toughness*
0x0D: Strong Back*
0x0E: Sharpshooter
0x0F: Silent Running
0x10: Survivalist
0x11: Master Trader
0x12: Educated
0x13: Healer
0x14: Fortune Finder
0x15: Better Criticals*
0x16: Empathy
0x17: Slayer
0x18: Sniper
0x19: Silent Death
0x1A: Action Boy*
0x1B: Mental Block (FO1 only)
0x1C: Lifegiver
0x1D: Dodger*
0x1E: Snakeeater
0x1F: Mr. Fixit
0x20: Medic
0x21: Master Thief
0x22: Speaker
0x23: Heave Ho!
0x24: Unimplemented, DO NOT USE! (Friendly Foe in FO1)
0x25: Pickpocket
0x26: Ghost
0x27: Cult of Personality
0x28: Scrounger (FO1 only)
0x29: Explorer
0x2A: Flower Child (FO1 only)
0x2B: Pathfinder
0x2C: Animal Friend (FO1 only)
0x2D: Scout
0x2E: Mysterious Stranger
0x2F: Ranger
0x30: Quick Pockets
0x31: Smooth Talker
0x32: Swift Learner
0x33: Tag!*
0x34: Mutate!*
0x35: Nuka-Cola Addiction
0x36: Buffout Addiction
0x37: Mentats Addiction
0x38: Psycho Addiction
0x39: Radaway Addiction
0x3A: Weapon Long Range†
0x3B: Weapon Accurate†
0x3C: Weapon Penetrate†
0x3D: Weapon Knockback†
0x3E: Powered Armor†
0x3F: Combat Armor†
0x40: Weapon Scope range†
0x41: Weapon Fast reload†
0x42: Weapon Night sight†
0x43: Weapon Flameboy†
0x44: Armor Advanced I†
0x45: Armor Advanced II†
0x46: Jet Addiction
0x47: Tragic Addiction
0x48: Armor Charisma†
0x49: Gecko Skinning
0x4A: Dermal Impact Armor
0x4B: Dermal Impact Assault Enhancements(*)
0x4C: Phoenix Armor Implants
0x4D: Phoenix Assault Enhancements(*)
0x4E: Vault City Inoculations
0x4F: Adrenaline Rush
0x50: Cautious Nature
0x51: Comprehension
0x52: Demolition Expert
0x53: Gambler
0x54: Gain Strength
0x55: Gain Perception
0x56: Gain Endurance
0x57: Gain Charisma
0x58: Gain Intelligence
0x59: Gain Agility
0x5A: Gain Luck
0x5B: Harmless
0x5C: Here and Now*
0x5D: HtH Evade
0x5E: Kama Sutra Master
0x5F: Karma Beacon
0x60: Light Step
0x61: Living Anatomy
0x62: Magnetic Personality
0x63: Negotiator
0x64: Pack Rat*
0x65: Pyromaniac
0x66: Quick Recovery
0x67: Salesman
0x68: Stonewall
0x69: Thief
0x6A: Weapon Handling
0x6B: Vault City Training
0x6C: Alcohol Raised Hit Points
0x6D: Alcohol Raised Hit Points II
0x6E: Alcohol Lowered Hit Points
0x6F: Alcohol Lowered Hit Points II
0x70: Autodoc Raised Hit Points
0x71: Autodoc Raised Hit Points II
0x72: Autodoc Lowered Hit Points
0x73: Autodoc Lowered Hit Points II
0x74: Expert Excrement Expeditor
0x75: Weapon Enhanced Knockout†
0x76: Jinxed

(*) - The charisma loss from the assault implants is applied when you get them, but is not part of the perk.

List of traits[]

0x00: Fast Metabolism
0x01: Bruiser
0x02: Small Frame
0x03: One Hander
0x04: Finesse
0x05: Kamikaze
0x06: Heavy Handed
0x07: Fast Shot
0x08: Bloody Mess
0x09: Jinxed
0x0A: Good Natured
0x0B: Chem Reliant
0x0C: Chem Resistant
0x0D: Sex Appeal (In Fallout 1 this was Night Person)
0x0E: Skilled
0x0F: Gifted
-1: (none)

TeamX document[]

Copy of original document (in russian)
